Ebook Kuliah Farmasi

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Untuk itu sebagai ucapan terima kasih atas kepercayaan pengunjung pada blog ini dan dalam rangka pencapaian klik yang 10.000x kami menghadiahkan beberapa e-book di bawah ini. Silahkan klik untuk download :

  1. Herbal Medicine
  2. The Review of Natural Products 2004
  3. Tyler’s Herbs of Choice
  4. An Herbal Internet Companion: Herbs and Herbal Medicine Online
  5. Bioassay Techniques
  6. Infrared Spectroscopy
  7. Manual of Medical Therapeutics
  8. Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests
  9. A-Z Drug Fact
  10. Biopharmaceuticals Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  11. Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
  12. Generic Formulation
  13. Stockely Drug Interaction
  14. Agricultural Medicine : A Practical Guide
  15. Molecular Modelling for Beginner
  16. Agrigenomics
  17. An Introduction to Computational Biochemistry
  18. Schaum’s Outline of Human Anatomy
  19. Schaum’s Outline of Pharmacology
  20. Supercritical Fluid Extraction
  21. Crystallization Process Systems
  22. Analytical Methods for Food Additives
  23. Basic Concepts in Biochemistry A Student’s Survival Guide  2
  24. Human Pharmacology
  25. Bioinformatics : A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes & Proteins
  26. Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Tablets, Vol. 2
  27. Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms Tablets, Vol. 3
  28. Pharmaceutical Analysis
  29. Chemistry for Pharmacy Students
  30. Atlas of Diabtes Mellitus
  31. HPLC for Pharmaceutical scientist
  32. Pharmacotherapy
  33. Dewick-Natural Product
  34. Phytochemistry
  35. Drug from The Sea
  36. Modern Phytomedicine
  37. Bioactive medicinal plants
  38. Etnopharmacology
  39. Natural Product Isolation
  40. Fitoterapi (Versi Indonesia)
  41. Constituents of Medicinal Plants (2nd ed)
  42. Searching for Molecular Solution
  43. Plant Tissue Culture
  44. Pesticide Chemistry
  45. Microbiologycal Pharmacy
  46. Biochemistry of Plant
  47. Plant Biotechnology
  48. Identification of Organic Compound
  49. Pharmacognosy & Biotechnology
  50. Bioactive Marine Natural Product
  51. Botanical Medicine : From Bench to Bedsise
  52. Herbal Products Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology
  53. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients (6th ed)
  54. Natural Product Chemistry
  55. Pocket Guide to Herbal Medicine
  56. Structure Isolation of  Natural Product
  57. Modern Phytomedicine : Turning Medicinal Plants into Drugs
  58. Traditional Medicines for Modern Times Antidiabetic Plants
  59. Evidence-based Anticancer Materia Medica
  60. High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Phytochemical Analysis
  61. Bioactive Compounds in Foods
  62. Chemistry of Spices (Cabi)
  63. Remington: the science and practice of pharmacy
  64. Bruker FT-IR Guide
  65. Infrared Spectroscopy Theory
  66. Molecular Biology in Medicinal Chemistry
  67. Fundamentals of Menicinal Chemistry
  68. The Science of Flavonoids
  69. Master Your Metabolism: The All-Natural (All-Herbal)
  70. Evaluation of Herbal Medicinal Products
  71. Stockley’s Herbal Medicines Interactions
  72. Foundations of Pharmacokinetics
  73. Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems
  74. Human Drug Metabolism: An Introduction
  75. Introducing Pharmacology
  76. Pharmacology in Drug Discovery
  • Untuk buku 2, 7 & 8 terlebih dahulu  download program isilo
  • Item buku akan kami tambah untuk tiap 1000x klik berikutnya.

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