Fungi Break down organic compounds

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Fungi 	Break down organic compounds  	saprobic 		get nutrients form nonliving ornganic matter 	carry out extracellular digestion and absortion 	Benefits plants, releasing nutrients in the soil 	Pathogens  		Human 			Ascomycota 				Histoplamosis 					Respoatory diseas 					inhalation of sproes Ajellpmuces capsulatus 					spores found ins soil with bird or bat droppings 					fatal to people wit hweakedn immune systems 				Valley Fever 				Candida "yeast" infections 				Ringworm 				Athlete's foot 				Ergotism 					causes hallucinations vomiting and diarrhea 					people infected with this have been accused of being witches and werewolves 			Basidiomycota 				some fatal if eaten 		Plant 			Ascomycota 				chestnut blight 				Duch elm disease 				apple scab 			Basidiomycota 				smut on cereal grain 					Claviceps purpurea 					parasitic to grains 					produce alkaliods  						used medicinally 						cause ergotism 				rust on wheat 	Soil food supplies 	Used to produce 		antibiotics ex: Penicillium 		blue cheese 	Hetrotrophic - no photosynthesis 		aquires organic molecules from enviorment 	Parasitic - extract nutrients form living host 	My celium (tangled fuzz) 		multicellular feeding sturcture  		tublar branches called hyphye (fuzzy branches) 			aseptate (nucleui are not separated 			septate (nucleui are separated) 	Cell walls contain  		chitin (like bugs) 		cellulosse 	Extracellular digestion 		Mycelium grons into food source 		hyphae decrete digestive enzymes  		Enzymes break down organic material 		simple nutrients are absorbed by hyphae 	No Motile stage (no cilla or flagella) 	Spores  		made of one or few cells 		resist dehydration  		remain dormant 		produced 		Asexual Reproduction 		Sexual Reproduciton 		Spores greminate after dispersal 	multicelled species spores give rise to new mycelium 	56,000 species of fungi 	Classified based on type of sexual spores  	Fungi on decline 		decline correlates to air pollution 		if fungal symbions of trees and other plants are killed ecosystems will be sidsruped 	Four phylums Basidiomycota (club fungi) 	Club fungi make basidiospores on the surface of club shaped (basidium) 	Mushrooms 		Coprinus mushrooms (common food) 	Shelf fungi 	Coral Fungi 	Stinkhorns 	Puffballs  	Rusts 	Reproduction 		hyphal cells of two mating starains meet 		cytoplasm fuse to form dicaryotic cyciliym (two nucleoui) 		Reprodoductive structure basidiocarp forms 		Sporbearing stucturs are on basidiocarp 		nuclei fuse to produce zygote  		zygote meiosis> produce haploid spores 		spores produce haploid mycilia Imperfect Fungi (not yet classified) 	Species have never benn observed to form sexula spores 	many make asexual spores  	Arthrobtrys dactyloides  		capture prey (like nemotoad) 		 in nooselike hyphe 	(Eu)Penicillium 		make antibiotics 
Zygomycota 	Zygomycete hyphae fuse to produce a thick walled zygospore 	Mycorrhiza 		fungus root (name means) 		mutialisitic with tree roots 			fungi gets sugars from plant 			plant gets minerals from gungus 			many plants do not grow well with out 			common in temperate forests 			in 80% of vascular plants 			endomycorrhizae 				inside root cell 			ectomycorrhizae 				forms net around tree and plant roots 				 	Rhizopus stonlifer 		reproduce 				sexually 				hyphae stranes meet 				at point of contact they form gametangia 				gametangia tipes fuse 				form zygosporanggium 				muclei inside zygosporagngium fuse to produce (2N) zygo spore 				zygospore (can remain dormant) 				Meiosis of zygote nuclei produces hapliod (1N) spore 			asexually	 <img src="" height="232" width="376" />
Ascomycota (sac fungi) 	Most diverse group of fungi 	Reproduction 		Asexual 			spores called conida 		Sexual ascospore in sac called asci 	Mulit celled species form reporductive structures caleed ascocaprs that enclose asci 	Sac fungi produce ascospores inside parent cell, ascus 	Morels (Morchella esculenta) 	Peziza 	Lichen 		Fungi and mutialistic chorophyta or cynobactera  			Symbionts (symbiotic realationship 			photosynthetic organisms  		Lichen survice in hostial habiats and are first in succession 		absorb mineral ions from substrates 			from rocks and trees 		fix nintogen, by converting atmospheric nitrogen for plants to use 		sensitive to enviormental changes 			an enviormental indecatior 			absorbs toxins but can't get rid of them 		fungi is bulk of structure <img src="" height="301" width="487" /> 
Basidiomycota (club fungi) 	Club fungi make basidiospores on the surface of club shaped (basidium) 	Mushrooms 		Coprinus mushrooms (common food) 	Shelf fungi 	Coral Fungi 	Stinkhorns 	Puffballs  	Rusts 	Reproduction 		hyphal cells of two mating starains meet 		cytoplasm fuse to form dicaryotic cyciliym (two nucleoui) 		Reprodoductive structure basidiocarp forms 		Sporbearing stucturs are on basidiocarp 		nuclei fuse to produce zygote  		zygote meiosis> produce haploid spores 		spores produce haploid mycilia <img src="" height="336" width="544" /> 
Imperfect Fungi (not yet classified) 	Species have never benn observed to form sexula spores 	many make asexual spores  	Arthrobtrys dactyloides  		capture prey (like nemotoad) 		 in nooselike hyphe 	(Eu)Penicillium 		make antibiotics  

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